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we need your help

Our Book Fair this year runs during your child's media hour from October 16-20 AND during our 2 family events - Movie Night and Storybook Night. Come out and volunteer for a shift using this sign-up (Oct 13-20, you need to be signed into your account to see it). If you hover over the weekday shift, you will see which classrooms will be in the media center. 


We will have a special Book Fair Volunteer prize pack draw. All volunteers will receive an entry into the draw for each shift worked.


Since you will not be supervising children on your own, your Wake County background check does not have to be completed.




Similar to  last year, we will be using e-wallets to allow students to buy books in a hassle-free cashless manner. There are two separate e-wallets as follows:


Personal e-wallet

Use this link to set up your personal e-wallet

Allows the students to buy books for personal use.

Allows grandparents/loved ones to directly contribute towards the funds for their students to shop for books

The unused funds on your personal e-wallet don’t expire. Remaining funds from last year's e-wallet can be transferred to the new e-wallet as long as you use the same email address. For additional inquiries please contact events@millsparkpta.com


Teacher’s e-wallet


Allows parents to contribute towards a fund for their class teacher to shop books for classroom use.

Suggested donations $5

(Your Room Parent/Teacher will send you their class teacher for the link to their e-wallet)


Library's e-wallet 

Donate money via e-wallet for the library: Click Here for Mrs. Ledford's e-wallet



Visit Scholastic's eWallet FAQs to learn more.