There is a lot of information on this website. Here are some steps to get you started.
create a "Pta account" or "membership toolkit account"
Creating an account on our website does not equate joining the PTA. An account simply gives you the tools to purchase items or tickets sold by the PTA and to register for certain clubs/competitions. We do encourage you to join the PTA ($20/year for a family membership) if you enjoy events and programs funded by the PTA.
click on "my account"--> "my forms/paperwork"
This is our "Open Forms" page. Once you have completed your Family Information and Directory Preference forms, any active forms specific to your child will open on this page.
Some forms remain open most of the year, eg.:
- Join PTA: from your account, you can pay $20 for a 1-year family membership
- Direct Donation: you can choose to donate directly to the PTA rather than through a fundraising campaign like Boosterthon or the Book Fair
- Spirit Wear: purchases are delivered weekly to your child's classroom
Some forms are open until the deadline advertised through the Panther Press, eg.:
- Yearbook pre-order
- 5th grade legacy ad order
These forms will disappear from your account once the deadline has passed.
To view past purchases, you can always click on "previous orders" at the top right of your page.
subscribe to the panther press and stay in-the-know
Make sure you are subscribed to our weekly e-newsletter, the Panther Press. We send out important announcements, updates and upcoming deadlines. In addition, your email is added to a mailing list for event/deadline reminders. This is the #1 way to stay updated on all of MPE PTA's events and programs.
We love our volunteers! Our dedicated volunteers are one of the things that make MPE an incredible community! We are transitioning from our hybrid virtual/in-person school years so we are in the midst of rebuilding our volunteer network. Please join us for jobs big and small - if you aren't sure what is a good fit for you, email us at and
Under My Account --> My Forms/Paperwork, see the available volunteer positions.
Signing up on an "interest form" does not commit you to the work. A board member will contact you and work with you before you decide to commit to the role.
When we are planning our events, we will add volunteer shifts to these forms (eg. Book Fair cashier shifts, water table shift at Boosterthon...).
Don't forget to get your background check completed so you can volunteer. See the school's front office for information.
About PTA/why you should join
Mills Park Elementary is an amazing school with a strong, supportive community. The PTA helps to add so many extras to your child's academic experience. Learn about what the PTA funds and how the PTA is able to do this.
Our board is made up of friendly, approachable parents who are always ready to hear new ideas and feedback. Learn about the board and how to contact us.
connect with us on social media
Follow us - click on the links at the top left corner of our page.
school supplies
Download our school supply list or read about our school supply fundraiser, Yubbler, by clicking here.
The mills park elementary website
The Wake County MPE website is updated by MPE staff and will have all important school policies including:
- arrival and dismissal procedures
- attendance rules
- birthday treat policies
and much more!
We have included some links here to help you out.
Transportation Info
Live Bus Updates - see if your bus route was cancelled
Here Comes the Bus - the bus app that shows you live GPS updates of your bus
Upcoming Events
- Friday, February 28
- Saturday, March 1
- Sunday, March 2
- Friday, March 14
- Saturday, March 22
- Thursday, March 27
- Monday, March 31
- Tuesday, April 1
- Wednesday, April 2
- Thursday, April 3