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The carnival is our major fundraiser each spring, helping to fund all the programs we have for our students, staff and families at MPE. It's also a time where MPE families can mingle and students can have fun. 

Admission and fun tickets


 Admission wristbands - needed for anyone 3-16 years of age  


Children 2 and under and teens/adults 17+ are free to enter. 


Admission includes:

  • Inflatable slide
  • Inflatable obstacle course
  • Toddler bounce house
  • Magic show
  • A few carnival games
  • All activities from our sponsors
  • Selfie spots

Fun Tickets are required for all the extra fun including (adults will require ticket for participation as well):

  • Train ride
  • Fairy hair
  • Glitter tattoo
  • Multiple carnival games
  • Concession snacks including cotton candy and popcorn
  • Raffle baskets


Silent auction and raffle baskets

The Silent Auction is online at https://app.memberhub.gives/mpecarnival2025 and will begin on April 19th. All bidding is done online. The auction ends at 6:05pm on Sat. April 26th. Feel free to share the auction website with friends and family. 

  • There are over $15,000 of donated items in our auction. Examples of items include summer camps, local businesses and attractions in NC (Umstead, Marbles, etc.) , orthodontic treatments, UNC Wellness family memberships, etc. We also have amazing MPE experiences including breakfast bunch with the counsellors, a dance choreography with Ms. Rochelle up for raffle and more. Let's not forget the coveted front parking space as well as front row seats to the 5th grade moving up ceremony.
  • This year, there is a BUY NOW option so check out the items early in the week before they sell.
  • You can set a proxy bid with your maximum bid.

The Raffle Baskets were created by all our classrooms through our room parents. They will go live for auction on April 8th. We will upload a list of the basket contents to our silent auction website. Mrs. Pauls will draw the winners on April 28nd. Enter the raffle basket draws in one of 2 ways: 

  • online through our silent auction website. Bundles of tickets can be purchased and we will physically enter a ticket into the appropriate basket draw.
  • in person at the Carnival using Fun Tickets (we will ask you to write your name and phone number on each ticket you enter).


our families make this happen

As you know, this large event can't happen without our amazing parent volunteers. We do need your help to bring this event to our school community.  Look for opportunities to help out from planning to execution.


 For more details, email Jen at president@millsparkpta.com 


a huge Thank you to our community sponsors