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what is the yearbook and what is in it?

Our yearbook is a 112-page hardcover photobook that documents the academic year. Each student has their Strawbridge portrait placed in the yearbook on their class page. We also include portraits of the staff, pictures of school clubs and competitions (Odyssey of the Mind, Reflections, spelling bee, science fair, etc.), candid shots of school events (movie night, spirit nights, etc.) and of classroom events by grade.


The yearbook committee is formed by volunteers and works with staff and room parents to obtain all the yearbook pictures. If you would like to join the yearbook committee, submit this Google form or email  yearbooks@millsparkpta.com with any questions.


when and how can i order the yearbook?


Pricing: Each yearbook is currently $40. Price will go up to $48 on Mar. 1st.


If you have questions, email yearbooks@millsparkpta.com



How to order through your PTA account:

1 - Sign into your PTA account.

2 - Click on My Forms/Paperwork under My Account

3 - Complete the form for 2023-24 Yearbook Pre-order. Use the PTA member discount if applicable (If your student is in 5th grade, you can purchase a legacy ad IN ADDITION to the yearbook. See below for details.)

4 - You will receive an email confirmation. If you do not receive a receipt/confirmation, your order was not completed. 

5 - Your child's yearbook will be delivered to their classroom the last week of school.


Special ordering tips/Troubleshooting:

- You must have an account to place the order. You can create a free one here.

- If you do not see the yearbook order form under My Forms/Paperwork, please update the form entitled Family Information with your student's grade and teacher. 

- Please verify that your student's information (teacher/grade) is accurate or they will not receive their yearbook during delivery.

- When ordering one yearbook to share amongst siblings, the yearbook will be delivered to the child under whose name the order was placed.

- To verify your order, you can click on "previous orders" on the top right of the website page.


Legacy Ad Example

what is a (5th grade) legacy ad and how can I purchase one?

For our graduating 5th graders, parents have the option of purchasing ad space at the end of the yearbook to publish a picture (or pictures) of their child and a message to them. The deadline to purchase a legacy ad is December 31st or earlier if ad space runs out.


**Ad space is limited and sold on a first-come-first-serve basis. No ads over 1/4-page size will be created.**


The cost of the legacy ad is in addition to the yearbook. The funds raised from the legacy ad sale go to PTA projects including the cost of the 5th grade graduation ceremony. You can choose to make the ad yourself (please adhere to the guidelines below) or to have the yearbook committee make the ad for you.

- A "large" ad or 1/4-page ad costs $70 and is 3 3/4 in. x 4 7/8 in.

- A "small" ad or 1/8-page ad costs $40 and is 3 3/4 in. x 2 3/8 in.


To purchase a legacy ad for your 5th grader:

1. Complete the form and payment via your PTA account by December 31st. **Make sure you have also purchased a yearbook.** (If you do not see the 5th grade legacy ad form under My Forms/Paperwork, try updating your Family Information to reflect your child's grade.)


2. The yearbook coordinator will contact you in January to obtain your message and photo.

Option #1 - the yearbook committee is making your ad:


Message guidelines: We recommend that your message be roughly 50 words for 1/4-page ad and 30 words for a 1/8-page ad. This is not a strict rule and we will print whatever you send us but please be warned that the longer your message, the smaller the font will be. Remember to verify your spelling and punctuation as the ad will be published with your exact wording. Eg. of a message: Dear Sofia, we are so proud of you and can't wait to see what you will accomplish in middle school. Love, Mom, Dad and Joshua

Photo Guidelines: We recommend 2 photos for the 1/4-page ad and 1 photo for the 1/8-page ad. Once again, we will still use whatever you send us - we have made 1/4-page ads with 5 pictures before - but the more pictures you send, the smaller they will be in the ad. Ideas: some ads have featured a picture of the child in kindergarten then in 5th grade; others have shown baby pictures; others show a favorite hobby.


Option #2 - you are making your own ad:


Ad Guidelines:

The ad must be in one of the following formats: .png, .jpeg, .tiff. The dimensions of the ad are: 

- 3 3/4 in. x 4 7/8 in. for the 1/4-page ad

- 3 3/4 in. x 2 3/8 in. for the 1/8-page ad

To ensure that your ad will not be pixelated, the image needs to be 300dpi. A great, free website to use is canva.com. You can open and copy the non-editable template for a 1/4 page ad here or for a 1/8 page ad here.


If you are making your own ad, please try to submit it by the end of January so it can be verified by a yearbook committee member. If you need to remake your file due to non-adherence to the above guidelines, you may not make the deadline to have your legacy ad uploaded.