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Every year, MPE students experience 3 to 5 cultural arts shows. Our Cultural Arts Representatives, Manali Bettendorf and Alana Okiishi will attend the showcase and pick out the best shows for our school.  Last year's included Number Drummer, Japanese Magical Journey, Baba Got BARS, and Grey Seal Puppets.  These shows were a huge hit and we can't wait to see what's in store for this year.


Upcoming Cultural Arts Showcases

As soon as the shows are booked, we will let you know!  Check back soon.



For updates on any upcoming performances, subscribe to the Panther Press or read the blog on our home page.


Learn about the United Arts Council.



cultural arts volunteers

Our Reps will need a lot of help on the day of the performances to make sure the artist visits run smoothly for the children. If you would like to join the Cultural Arts Committee, please email Gennine at vicepresident@millsparkpta.com or complete the Programs, Clubs and Competition volunteer interest form in your account.


To read up on what our MPE Cultural Arts Representatives do, click here