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Healthy Minds Week 2 Bingo Sheet

Body scan

Big Feelings List

Positive Affirmations - scroll down

Journal prompts for kids

Nature scavenger hunt


SEL resources for parents

What is S.E.L.?

"SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions." From CASEL's website


Did you know...?

  • SEL is for the whole family - students and parents - and can be developed at school and at home.
  • SEL is backed by research. Benefits of SEL include improved academic performance and general well-being, positive behavior, enhanced social skills and decreased levels of distress.
  • There are 5 core social and emotional competencies - read more about them below.

S.E.L. Core Competencies




Social Awareness

Relationship Skills

Responsible Decision-Making




Want more?

How to develop SEL skills at home


How reading at home together can develop SEL skills


Here is a book list for parents who want to know more about raising confident children


Let's not forget the amazing resources our school counselors have to offer. Read about the Second Step program at our Wake County school.


Check out the Action For Happiness website that includes a calendar with tasks that build social and emotional health.



mindfulness resources for parents

We all do it. We fold clothes reminding the kids to do their homework while a show streams on the TV and we wait for the pasta to boil. In the crazy daily rush to check off all the things on our list, we can easily lose ourselves and lose touch of what's happening in the moment. We challenge you to slow your pace this week and practice some mindfulness. What is this mindfulness thing? Why should you try it? How can you start practicing it? Read on below. 



What is Mindfulness?

Simply put, mindfulness is an awareness of the present moment - awareness of our feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations.


Mindfulness has been practiced for thousands of years by different religions, many of which originated in the east, such as Hinduism and Buddhism. It became popular in the west with the development of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program, of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which treats depression, and with the foundation of the Insight Meditation Society. (positivepsychology.com/history-of-mindfulness)


What are the benefits of mindfulness?

From www.mindful.org/mindfulness-for-kids:

  • Increased focus, attention, self-control, classroom participation, compassion.
  • Improved academic performance, ability to resolve conflict, overall well-being.
  • Decreased levels of stress, depression, anxiety, disruptive behavior.

Let's get started!

1. Download these printable breathing cards to learn some easy breathing exercises. Your kid can't sit still? No problem, start with 10 breaths and build up from there.


2. Take a walk. Breathe in the air, pay attention to sights, sounds and smells.


3. Use all your senses for mindful eating. Pay attention to the look, the texture, the smell and taste of your food. Take longer to chew before swallowing.


4. Institute a mindful bedtime routine with a body scan or a gratitude exercise.


5. Try a meditation - find one on Youtube, mindful.org or use the free Insight Timer app (or any of the apps below).


Mindfulness Apps for Kids

Smiling Mind - www.smilingmind.com.au

Free Australian app with great body scan meditations to develop awareness


Headspace (for kids) - www.headspace.com/meditation/kids

Mindfulness activities for different age levels.


Calm - calm.com

Mindfulness and sleep stories for children of different ages


Insight Timer - insighttimer.com

Free app with meditations for parents and kids focusing on relaxation, stress management, concentration and sleep.


positive affirmations for kids

Affirmations for Kids


My body is beautiful and strong.


Today I am a leader.


I’m choosing to have an amazing day!


I am important.


I only compare myself to myself.


I have lots of people who believe in me at Mills Park.


I am full of great ideas.


I have people who love me just the way I am.


Today, I will shine.


My future is bright.


I am important to my class.


I can ask for help when I need it.


I can do hard things.


I won't give up.


There is no one like me.


Everyone makes mistakes. Mistakes help us learn!


I am deserving of love and respect.


I can find something beautiful wherever I go.


I have an amazing imagination!


Today I will spread joy!


I am strong inside and out.


My smile makes others smile.


I am peaceful.


I am capable.


I am helpful.


I am deserving of kindness.


I am a unicorn– one of its kind.


It’s ok to not be great at everything.


Every day is a fresh start for something new.


I am ready to be a leader.


I have the power to change the world.


I am growing and learning every day.


Today I will do my best.


I am enough.


I can try new things.


Today I will face my fears.


I have so much kindness to give.

Health & Wellness - Healthy Minds


Body scan

Big Feelings List

Positive Affirmations - click on SEL and Mindfulness Resources and scroll down

Journal prompts for kids

Nature scavenger hunt

SEL and Mindfulness Resources