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Welcome to the MPE PTA website!


Find out all you need to know about MPE PTA, MPE events and programs and much more. Read our blog below for the latest updates. Don't miss any deadlines - subscribe to the Panther Press during the school year to receive our updates in your inbox through our weekly e-newsletter.

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Math Kangaroo

12/17/2023 1:40 am

Mills Park Elementary will be a proctored testing site for Math Kangaroo Competition, available to grades 1-5.  Learn more HERE


Enroll by December 15th to lock in the registration fee of $21.  Each registered student will get a t-shirt and a gift on test day.


Please email Ajay Patwari ajay.patwari@gmail.com for an invitation code to register your student at Mills Park Elementary for.  This is the ONLY way to register, as MPE is enrolled as a private center.

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Don't forget to buy the 2023-24 Yearbook before the price goes up!

12/10/2023 8:48 pm

Remember to purchase the 2023-24 yearbook through your PTA account. If you are a paid PTA member, you have received a $5 promo code via email that will expire on Dec. 31st. 


5th grade parents:


Legacy ads are spaces in the yearbook where you can put a photo and message to your 5th grader who will be rising to 6th grade. There are a limited amount of legacy ads available each year. If you would like to purchase ad space in the yearbook (1/4 page or 1/8 page), you can do so through your PTA account. 

  • Ads are available for purchase until Jan. 12th OR until the ad pages are sold out. 
  • Due to page limits, you will only be able to purchase ONE ad space per student. 
  • You must purchase the yearbook AND the legacy ad. 
  • You can make your own ad or have the yearbook team create one for you. For the latter, the legacy ad team will reach out in January to get your photo(s) and message. 

Not sure you purchased the yearbook or the ad? Check "Previous Orders" under "My Account". Send any yearbook questions to Jahima at yearbooks@millsparkpta.com.




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Dance and Donuts Thank You

12/10/2023 8:47 pm

A huge thank you to all those who came out for Dance and Donuts, especially the volunteers and our amazing Zumba instructors!  Between the food, crafts, and Zumba, hopefully everyone found something they liked.  If you weren't able to make it, don't worry... the new year will bring many new opportunities for fun. 

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Staff Holiday Cookie Exchange

12/10/2023 7:52 pm

We know the holidays are around the corner. We have some fun for staff and families planned out for you.


It’s that time of year again! Below, you will find the sign-up for our Holiday Cookie/Dessert Exchange for our  amazing Mills Park Teachers and Staff. We’re asking each of you to donate one dozen cookies or desserts for our teachers. These items can be homemade or store-bought. You will find a list of desserts and cookies to sign up for using the link. Drop-off for your cookies and desserts will be Wednesday, December 13, Thursday, December 14 and Friday, December 15 between 8:15 AM and 9:30 AM. Please package and label all desserts and cookies clearly in a disposable container. Thank you for your participation, we appreciate all that you do for our amazing teachers and staff throughout the year.


If you would like to volunteer to help out for any of these events or are interested in other events that are being planned, please email president@millsparkpta.com


Holiday Stock-the-Lounge  - if you aren't a baker, no worries! Send in some treats for the staff lounge. Once again, the sign-up will be sent to you by your room parents.


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The 2024-2025 PTA Membership form is open. Start by logging into your PTA account. Complete the membership form, submit $20 and become an active PTA member. Click to learn more about what MPE PTA does.




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We heart volunteers

The PTA can't function without its volunteers. Read about how to get started with volunteering through MPE PTA.


Back-to-School Checklist


Let us help you start the year off right!



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