Welcome to the MPE PTA website!
Find out all you need to know about MPE PTA, MPE events and programs and much more. Read our blog below for the latest updates. Don't miss any deadlines - subscribe to the Panther Press during the school year to receive our updates in your inbox through our weekly e-newsletter.
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Thankful For You
11/19/2023 9:00 am
In this season of reflection, the PTA is grateful for YOU!
To the parents and caregivers: your support and participation mean everything to this program.
To the teachers and staff: thank you for working so hard to make this school the amazing institution that it is. Thank you for caring for our children.
To the students: thank you for coming to school with a smile on your faces, ready to learn. You are the reason we are here.
Read MoreKindergarten Registration
11/18/2023 4:29 pm
Registration is live for kindergarten students of the 2024-2025 school Year. Click HERE for more information on the process.
The next school year will be here before you know it. Register your incoming kindergarten student now on the WCPSS website HERE To be eligible, students must be 5 years old by August 31, 2024. Contact the school with any questions you might have or if you need assistance.
Read MoreSpirit Wear On Sale
11/5/2023 8:22 pm
Mills Park spirit wear makes the best gifts! With lots of new options this year, you are sure to find something for everyone. Check out the scarves, because brrrrr.... it's going to be a cold winter this year!
Read MoreSave the Date: Free Donuts & Crafts Dec. 10th
11/5/2023 8:21 pm
We know the holidays are around the corner. We have some fun for staff and families planned out for you. More details are coming soon but here's what to expect:
Sunday, Dec. 10th, 9-11AM: our free Donuts with Grown-Ups event is happening with a new twist ;) Find out what in next week's Panther Press but save the date in the mean time.
Staff Holiday Cookie Exchange - get those cookie and bar recipes ready. Every year, our families bake (or buy!) cookies and desserts for our amazing staff. The sign-up will be sent out soon by your room parents.
Holiday Stock-the-Lounge - if you aren't a baker, no worries! Send in some treats for the staff lounge. Once again, the sign-up will be sent to you by your room parents.
Read MoreOur PTA
The 2024-2025 PTA Membership form is open. Start by logging into your PTA account. Complete the membership form, submit $20 and become an active PTA member. Click to learn more about what MPE PTA does.
The PTA can't function without its volunteers. Read about how to get started with volunteering through MPE PTA.
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 20
- Saturday, March 22
- Thursday, March 27
- Monday, March 31
- Tuesday, April 1
- Wednesday, April 2
- Thursday, April 3
- Friday, April 4
- Friday, April 18
- Saturday, April 26