Welcome to the MPE PTA website!
Find out all you need to know about MPE PTA, MPE events and programs and much more. Read our blog below for the latest updates. Don't miss any deadlines - subscribe to the Panther Press during the school year to receive our updates in your inbox through our weekly e-newsletter.
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Congratulations and thank you!
11/5/2023 10:01 am
Our events are not possible without our incredibly dedicated volunteers. Thank you to everyone who worked a shift at the Book Fair. We had a draw and Kristen Mihalka won an MPE sweatshirt.
Also, Kate from Mrs. Smith's class was our special Book Fair Basket winner.
Stay tuned for info about how you can sign up for our Holiday Cookie Exchange happening in December.
Read MoreCongratulations on Publishing
11/4/2023 6:59 pm
Let's hear it for Mrs. Bernier, who recently published a short story! If you'd like more information about her journey as an author, please check out her website and blog here.
Warning, just because she teaches first graders doesn't mean she writes for them. This is an adult story, and I for one can't wait to read it!
Read MoreIntroducing Sip and Chat with the PTA President: Nov 2nd at Soul Cups (by Lowes Foods) after morning drop off
10/23/2023 9:16 am
I loved seeing everyone at our recent events, but we didn't get a chance to really talk. So let's sit down with a few of the PTA board members and chat! Do you have questions about the school or PTA? Do you have ideas? Maybe you are just looking for an excuse to grab a donut and would love some adult conversation. Whatever the reason, we hope you'll join us. I'd love to make this a monthly occurrence, so let me know your favorite spot for coffee or even adult beverages in the evening.
Jen Shorter, MPE PTA President
Read MoreDrop your leftover Halloween candy
10/23/2023 9:01 am
Drop off your extra Halloween candy by 9:30 am on Friday, Nov. 3rd. Designated boxes will be in the MPE lobby. The candy will be donated to the Brown Bag Ministry, The Carrying Place and the USO.
The 2024-2025 PTA Membership form is open. Start by logging into your PTA account. Complete the membership form, submit $20 and become an active PTA member. Click to learn more about what MPE PTA does.
The PTA can't function without its volunteers. Read about how to get started with volunteering through MPE PTA.
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 20
- Saturday, March 22
- Thursday, March 27
- Monday, March 31
- Tuesday, April 1
- Wednesday, April 2
- Thursday, April 3
- Friday, April 4
- Friday, April 18
- Saturday, April 26