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Welcome to the MPE PTA website!


Find out all you need to know about MPE PTA, MPE events and programs and much more. Read our blog below for the latest updates. Don't miss any deadlines - subscribe to the Panther Press during the school year to receive our updates in your inbox through our weekly e-newsletter.

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Thank you for a Successful Walk-to-School Day

10/5/2023 12:52 am

Thank you MPE for a very successful Walk/Bike to School Day; and your commitment to safe walking/biking routes to school while keeping kids active. Special thanks to all the volunteers, leads and chalk artists that made this event possible. 


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Room Parent Training Update

9/24/2023 1:44 am

No room parent? That can mean not knowing what's going on at the school and not celebrating your teacher while other classrooms are doing so. Don't let your classroom miss out! The following classrooms still need room parents (number of room parents needed listed in parentheses):

   K - Meyer (2), Salva (1), Pagach (2)

   1st - Bernier (2), Kellogg (1), Schindler(1)

   2nd - Blatz (2), Katzenberger (1)

   3rd - Moxley (2), Tawfik (2)

   4th - Johnson (2)



If you've never been a room parent, don't worry, we will show you the ropes! Room Parent Training is on Friday, September 29th at 9:15 am. Can't make it and new to being a Room Parent? Join the second virtual training session on Tuesday, Oct 3rd from 8pm-9pm. (details to be emailed).

For all experienced Room Parents, you will receive a summary email with all information for the 2023-24 year. Feel free to join in the training to meet fellow Room Parents, have some treats and participate in your own Learning Experience.

Questions? Email Natalie at roomparents@millsparkpta.com

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Thank You For Boosterthon

9/23/2023 1:48 am

A huge thank you to our Mills Park community!  I hope those who came to the Fun Run enjoyed the day and those who couldn't join us got to hear about it from their students.  We couldn't have asked for a better day, and it seemed like everyone had a great time. 
We didn't quite hit our fundraising goal, but with the continued generosity of our families and sponsors, we came very close.  The kids don't get to see Mrs. Pauls get slimed, but we will be able to support our school and run all of the amazing programs we had planned. 
Speaking of amazing programs, we hope that you will join us Oct 13th for the joint Movie Night and Bookfair Kickoff.  As always, we look forward to seeing you and your family.
Jen Shorter, President MPE PTA


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Ready to join our community of amazing MPE volunteers

9/17/2023 2:25 pm

We are looking for volunteers to fill the following roles. If you have any interest or are slightly curious, email president@millsparkpta.com or fill out this Google Form which contains a few more details. We promise it is a lot of fun to get involved at MPE!

  • Advocacy Committee Chair (and General Volunteers) - Our Advocacy Committee is in charge of our wellness events at MPE. Each of these events usually has a specific coordinator and we have general Advocacy Committee Volunteers but we need a Committee Chair to keep everyone organized and promote our motto of Healthy Body, Healthy Minds, Healthy Planet. 
  • Yearbook Committee - We have multiple available roles who will all work under our new Yearbook Coordinator, Jahima, from gathering and uploading photos to editing pages in the yearbook to taking pictures and documenting our student clubs and competitions. 
  • Sunshine Committee - Is hospitality and arts and crafts more up your alley? Join our Sunshine Committee and help us celebrate staff birthdays, stock our teachers' lounge with treats and more
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The 2024-2025 PTA Membership form is open. Start by logging into your PTA account. Complete the membership form, submit $20 and become an active PTA member. Click to learn more about what MPE PTA does.




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We heart volunteers

The PTA can't function without its volunteers. Read about how to get started with volunteering through MPE PTA.


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Let us help you start the year off right!



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