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Find out all you need to know about MPE PTA, MPE events and programs and much more. Read our blog below for the latest updates. Don't miss any deadlines - subscribe to the Panther Press during the school year to receive our updates in your inbox through our weekly e-newsletter.

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Splash & Dash Fun Run 9/19, Last Day to Donate: MONDAY

9/17/2023 2:24 pm

Our Mills Park Elementary Splash & Dash Fun Run is on Tuesday, 9/19 and we are PUMPED! Parents we would LOVE for you to join us to cheer on your students:

  • 9:30am | 2 - 3
  • 10:30am | ECS, Pre-K, K - 1
  • 11:30am | 4 - 5

MONDAY is the LAST NIGHT to get donations!!! This is our biggest fundraiser. Help us with raising funds for Enhancements that go toward our Specials classes, specifically our Media Center and Gym classes. If you haven’t already registered on mybooster.com, that’s the first step! It’s easy and free and your student will get a prize 😊 


  • If we reach our goal of $25,000 by our Splash & Dash, then Mrs. Pauls will get slimed!
  • The overall class with the most donations will get to have a Pizza Party!

Every MPE student will receive a Fun Run t-shirt and participate on our Event Day on September 19th, regardless of financial participation. There will be 3 separate runs, by grades. Specific times will be https://millsparkpta.membershiptoolkit.com/story/105412shared by child's teachers.

MPE parents and families—its time to Level Up

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Odyssey of the Mind: 2nd info session Wednesday; applications open

9/17/2023 2:22 pm

New to Odyssey of the Mind? If your student is in grade 2-5 and you missed our first info session (or just have a lot of questions), please attend our second virtual info session:

Wednesday, Sept. 20th at 7PM - Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/eod-kcxt-byf

We will have a presentation to outline the premise of the competition followed by a Q&A for interested parents. You can start reading some information on our website. We strongly recommend you attending a session if you plan on filling in an application for your child.

View the long-term problem synopsis.

Ready to apply? Coaches please submit the OM Coach Interest Form by Sept. 30. All applicants please submit the Odyssey of the Mind application form in your PTA account by Oct. 7th.

We have 2 volunteer coaches for a primary team! So please consider joining the primary team open to students in 2nd grade.

Email questions to our Odyssey of the Mind Coordinator at mpeom@millsparkpta.com

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Missed out on last year's yearbook order?

9/4/2023 5:21 pm

Did you miss last year's deadline to order a yearbook? We are sending in a re-order to Entourage so purchase LAST YEAR's yearbook here by September 10th. We will deliver the yearbook to your child's classroom when we have received the order.

Please direct any yearbook questions to yearbooks@millsparkpta.com

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Find out about this year's Odyssey of the Mind tournament

8/31/2023 5:08 pm

Every year our PTA organizes Odyssey of the Mind teams to compete in a creative, team-based problem-solving competition. Over the next few weeks, we will be sending out information about this year's competition and we are aiming to form teams by the first half of October. Students in grades 2 to 5 may participate.

If you are new to Odyssey of the Mind, we invite you to one of our virtual information sessions: 

Monday, Sept. 11th at 7PM - Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/agq-mtai-fof

Wednesday, Sept. 20th at 7PM - Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/eod-kcxt-byf

We will have a presentation to outline the premise of the competition followed by a Q&A for interested parents. You can start reading some information on our website. We strongly recommend you attending a session if you plan on filling in an application for your child.

If you are an OM veteran, you are welcome to join the sessions listed above as we will have some minor changes to the application process this year. If you know you want to coach, please fill out the OM Coach Interest Form.

View the long-term problem synopsis.

Email questions to our Odyssey of the Mind Coordinator at mpeom@millsparkpta.com

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The 2024-2025 PTA Membership form is open. Start by logging into your PTA account. Complete the membership form, submit $20 and become an active PTA member. Click to learn more about what MPE PTA does.




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We heart volunteers

The PTA can't function without its volunteers. Read about how to get started with volunteering through MPE PTA.


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