Ready to join our community of amazing MPE volunteers
9/17/2023 2:25 pm
We are so excited to have met new faces at our Meet-the-Teacher events and loved all the interest in wanting to join the MPE volunteer family! Here are a few updates and "next steps" for you.
1 - Get started on your volunteer background check. This can be done online by going to this link. This is a Wake County requirement for parents who want to volunteer in the building and on field trips. If you want detailed instructions on this, go to our Volunteer page.
2 - Although there are volunteer spots for jobs big and small, one of our most appreciated positions is that of our Room Parent. Room Parents are needed for every classroom to support our teachers and keep the communication flowing between parents and the PTA - eg. we don't want families to miss out PTA updates such as carnival ticket sales, the yearbook purchase deadline or the Odyssey of the Mind application process. If you are interested in being a Room Parent, talk to your teacher. For any new Room Parents, please plan to attend our Room Parent Training on Friday, Sept. 29th (check in at 9:15 am in the cafeteria).
3 - For short 30 min to 1 hour shifts at major events, we send out volunteer sign-ups a couple of weeks early (look out for Movie Night and Book Fair shifts in a few weeks!).
4 - We need a few more involved parents to help out in the following roles:
- Advocacy Committee Chair (and General Volunteers) - Our Advocacy Committee is in charge of our wellness events at MPE. Each of these events usually has a specific coordinator and we have general Advocacy Committee Volunteers but we need a Committee Chair to keep everyone organized and promote our motto of Healthy Body, Healthy Minds, Healthy Planet.
- Yearbook Committee - We have multiple available roles who will all work under our new Yearbook Coordinator, Jahima, from gathering and uploading photos to editing pages in the yearbook to taking pictures and documenting our student clubs and competitions.
- Sunshine Committee - Is hospitality and arts and crafts more up your alley? Join our Sunshine Committee and help us celebrate staff birthdays, stock our teachers' lounge with treats and more!
If you are interested in more information or would like to sign up, please submit this Google Form which contains a few more details.
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 20
- Saturday, March 22
- Thursday, March 27
- Monday, March 31
- Tuesday, April 1
- Wednesday, April 2
- Thursday, April 3
- Friday, April 4
- Friday, April 18
- Saturday, April 26