Girls On The Run (3rd-5th Grades)

8/28/2023 1:27 am



ATTENTION "Girls On The Run"
3rd, 4th & 5th Grades
Begins September 11, 2023


                                    Online Registration has begun through September 24th



Ms. Cupick, along with Ms. Kathy Murwa and Ms. Teri Armstrong are leading this program. Twice per week for 10 weeks, girls will have fun, make friends, increase their physical activity levels and learn important life skills. Trained and caring coaches lead 3rd - 5th-grade girls through interactive lessons and movement activities.


Program begins at Mills Park Elementary September 11th, 2023

Practice Times : Monday/Thursday weekly 7:30-8:45am (except holidays or teacher workdays)

Culminates with the 5K Reindeer Romp, Koka Booth Amphitheatre December 2, 2023

Coached by certified 'Girls On The Run' Coaches - Hannah Cupick, Kathy Murawa, Teri Armstrong


Please follow the directions listed on the flyer to online register by September 24th
Questions contact: or or



Click Here for more information and the detailed flyer. Click here to see the flyer Spanish


Use this link to register: 


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