2024 Honor A Teacher Nomination Form
1/26/2024 9:32 am
Excellence in teaching – We know it when we see it. It can be the teacher who spends extra time with the students who need it most, or the teacher who is creative enough to inspire a real love of learning in a student. Perhaps it’s a teacher who cares enough to be involved with their students beyond the classroom. Whatever their methods, certain teachers make a real impact on students and their learning abilities.
We would like to recognize one such teacher and we need your help. The Cary Chamber of Commerce has been a leader in supporting education in our community through numerous programs and activities. One of the most critical needs of Wake County schools is that of attracting and retaining the best classroom teachers. With the Cary Chamber of Commerce's Honor a Teacher Program we hope to help our school system in meeting that challenge.
Building on the success of the Discovery Award first sponsored by the Ashworth family in 1991, followed by the Clara Knoll Award in 2000 by Barry and DJ Mitsch, the Cary Chamber has secured sponsors to develop a teaching awards program for all schools in the Cary Area.
We would like to recognize one such teacher and we need your help. The Cary Chamber of Commerce has been a leader in supporting education in our community through numerous programs and activities. One of the most critical needs of Wake County schools is that of attracting and retaining the best classroom teachers. With the Cary Chamber of Commerce's Honor a Teacher Program we hope to help our school system in meeting that challenge.
Building on the success of the Discovery Award first sponsored by the Ashworth family in 1991, followed by the Clara Knoll Award in 2000 by Barry and DJ Mitsch, the Cary Chamber has secured sponsors to develop a teaching awards program for all schools in the Cary Area.
We are asking our community to nominate teachers for this award. Included with your nomination, please describe why you feel this particular teacher deserves this award. Nominations must be submitted no later than Friday, February 9th at 5:00 pm. These nominations will then be narrowed down to finalists that will complete an application process, will be judged by a designated committee, and announced at a ceremony on Tuesday, May 14th.
The nomination window will close on February 9, 2024 at 5:00 pm. Once the finalists are selected, the link to the application will be shared with the nominees, and due back two weeks later. No late applications will be accepted.
Each finalist will be asked to submit a video of themselves answering a few questions along with their resume and teaching philosophy.
Here is the link to the nomination form: https://forms.gle/
Please let me know if I can answer any questions about anything.
Thank you!
Anne L. Pauls
Principal, Mills Park Elementary School
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