General Membership Meeting -May 7th
4/16/2024 10:25 am
Whether you are a PTA member or you just want to know more, come to our General Membership Meeting in the Media Center on Wednesday, May 7th , in the Media Center from 6:30 PM onwards.
Check in early and chat with current board members.
6:30 PM- Meeting starts. Recap of the year. Learn about our programs and what's coming back this year. Members will vote to elect the incoming PTA board for 2024-2025. In order to vote, you must be a paid PTA member. This will be followed by a Volunteer Appreciation dinner.
We are still in search of candidates to be the VP of Ways and Means. Please reach out to anyone on the current PTA board to find out more about the role. Email
Self nominations are welcome from the floor during the meeting.
Here is the slate of nominees for the 2024-25 MPE PTA Board, presented by the nominating committee.
President: Jennifer Shorter
Vice President: Lindsay Milton
Treasurer: Maggie Hu
Secretary: Lori Patel
VP Communications: Thor Duryea
VP Events: Jahima Guevara
VP Hospitality: Charea Mason
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 20
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- Saturday, April 26