Reflections - Submissions Due 10/10

9/23/2024 7:40 am


Reflections 2024-2025:  Accepting Imperfections -  MPE submission deadline is October 10th!


We would like to encourage students of all ages to participate in MPE's 2024-2025 Reflections Art Program. Reflections is a National PTA-sponsored arts achievement

program that allows students to be recognized for interpreting a common theme through original works of artwork.


This year's theme is “Accepting Imperfections” and our school submission deadline is October 10th. Students may submit original artwork in Primary (PreK-2nd), Intermediate (3rd-5th), and Special Artist divisions in any of the following categories:



Film Production
Music Composition


Visual Arts

Dance Choreography


More details to come on MPE PTA website soon! MPE PTA - Reflections 2024-2025

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