Boosterthon Thank You!
10/5/2024 9:05 pm
Thank you to the whole community for helping us hit and surpass our fundraising goal! Your generosity continues to amaze. Let us refresh your memory as to where it all goes:
Grants for every classroom including specials
Books for Media
STEM equipment
Online learning platforms Brain Pop and Generation Genius
Movie night, Trunk or Treat, Health and Wellness Month
Teacher Appreciation, Teacher of the Year
Spelling Bee, Maniac Marathon, Odyssey of the Mind, Reflections, Field Day, Cultural Arts programs, and so much more!
Do you know if your employer does corporate matching? Some companies in the area will match your donation! Double your support with only an email to HR. Let us know if we can help.
Another thanks to our sponsors who helped make the shirts possible. Weren't they cute? Carolina Orthodontics, Bright Ideas Realty, Triangle Family Dentistry, Star Path Dance, Bovenizer and Baker Orthodontics, Duke Pediatrics on Green Level, and Nay Orthodontics. We love our community partners. Let us know if there is any business you know that would like to work with us.
Email me with any questions or comments on Boosterthon, our budget, or why fundraising is necessary.
Upcoming Events
- Saturday, March 22
- Thursday, March 27
- Monday, March 31
- Tuesday, April 1
- Wednesday, April 2
- Thursday, April 3
- Friday, April 4
- Friday, April 18
- Saturday, April 26
- Wednesday, May 21