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Staff Holiday Cookie Exchange

To signup you must either login or provide a first name, last name, and email address. Login

You should have access to this email account and be able to receive emails related to this volunteering opportunity.

It's funny, but robots don't seem to be able to do simple math.
Chocolate Chip

24 chocolate chip cookies
Chocolate Chip

Sugar Cookies

24 sugar cookies
Sugar Cookies

Gluten Free

24 gluten free cookies
Gluten Free (please say what kind)


12 brownies

Nut Free

24 nut free cookies/brownies
This is a guaranteed nut free treat for those with allergies
nut free


24 specialty cookies
Do you have a favorite you want to share? Just let us know what they are in the comments
specialty cookies

Setup and Restock

Help us display all of the cookies in the teachers lounge and restock as needed.

Set up
12/13/2024 08:45 am