Health & Wellness Month Jan 29th-Feb 24th
1/26/2024 10:02 am
Our Health & Wellness month starts today! We have lots of fun in store for you.
1 - Challenge your family to complete the weekly bingo sheet - more than once if you can!. You should have received the Nutrition bingo sheet as well as the Parent bingo sheet. Every bingo sheet (for student or parent) will go towards the classroom tally. The classroom that submits the most completed sheets by the end of the H&W month will win a 45-minute class party at Balance Martial Arts.
2 - Help your child create a healthy resolution for the month. Fill out the sheet and bring it to the Health & Wellness Fair for a prize.
3 - Check out our extra nutrition resources online. We will have extra info and links for you to follow every week, corresponding to the week's themes.
4 - Save the date for our very first Health & Wellness Fair on Sat. Feb. 24th from 2-5pm. We have a jam-packed schedule including yoga and Zumba for the family, a National PTA-sponsored talk about internet safety and a guest speaker, Dr. Kitty O' Hare, from Duke Primary Care Pediatrics who will discuss Emotional Wellness in children. To add to the fun, we have several local businesses setting up interactive and educational booths promoting healthy bodies, healthy minds and healthy planet. We hope to see you there!
Read more about our Health and Wellness month.
Download the Week 1 Nutrition Bingo sheet.
Download the Healthy Resolution sheet.
Download the Parent Bingo sheet (there is only one Parent bingo sheet for the month but feel free to complete it more than once!).
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 20
- Saturday, March 22
- Thursday, March 27
- Monday, March 31
- Tuesday, April 1
- Wednesday, April 2
- Thursday, April 3
- Friday, April 4
- Friday, April 18
- Saturday, April 26