Welcome to the MPE PTA website!
Find out all you need to know about MPE PTA, MPE events and programs and much more. Read our blog below for the latest updates. Don't miss any deadlines - subscribe to the Panther Press during the school year to receive our updates in your inbox through our weekly e-newsletter.
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Last chance to buy yearbook at $32!
1/26/2024 9:36 am
Don't forget to pre-order your 2023-24 yearbook! The price is going up to $38 on Feb. 9th. Pre-orders are done through your PTA account under My Forms.
Our yearbook is a 112-page hardcover photobook that documents the academic year. Each student has their Strawbridge portrait placed in the yearbook on their class page. We also include portraits of the staff, pictures of school clubs and competitions (Odyssey of the Mind, Reflections, spelling bee, Battle of the Books, etc.), candid shots of school events (movie night, spirit nights, etc.) and of classroom events by grade.
Send any questions to Jahima at yearbooks@millsparkpta.com.
5th grade parents who purchased a legacy ad: the deadline to submit your message/photo or ad is Feb. 9th.
Read MoreSip N Chat
1/26/2024 9:34 am
Have questions about our upcoming programs? Got feedback for our previous events? Interested in getting more involved? Or do you simply want to enjoy a cup of coffee with a friendly bunch? Come and chat with us on Wednesday, January 31st at 9:15PM at Lowes Foods.
2024 Honor A Teacher Nomination Form
1/26/2024 9:32 am
We would like to recognize one such teacher and we need your help. The Cary Chamber of Commerce has been a leader in supporting education in our community through numerous programs and activities. One of the most critical needs of Wake County schools is that of attracting and retaining the best classroom teachers. With the Cary Chamber of Commerce's Honor a Teacher Program we hope to help our school system in meeting that challenge.
Building on the success of the Discovery Award first sponsored by the Ashworth family in 1991, followed by the Clara Knoll Award in 2000 by Barry and DJ Mitsch, the Cary Chamber has secured sponsors to develop a teaching awards program for all schools in the Cary Area.
The nomination window will close on February 9, 2024 at 5:00 pm. Once the finalists are selected, the link to the application will be shared with the nominees, and due back two weeks later. No late applications will be accepted.
Each finalist will be asked to submit a video of themselves answering a few questions along with their resume and teaching philosophy.
Here is the link to the nomination form: https://forms.gle/
Anne L. Pauls
Maniacs Marathon registration starts Feb. 12
1/26/2024 9:32 am
We are so excited to bring back the Mills Park Maniacs Program again this year! This is a fun way for your family to get moving and having some fun! Your child will walk, run, skip, or hop 25.1 miles (no bikes). For every completed mile, you will put a bead on your necklace. There will be a special bead for the 13 mile mark and the 26.1 mile mark. This will be a virtual race except for the last mile. The virtual race will end on Thursday, April 11th. We will have the children finish the last 1.1 mile at school on Friday, April 12th at 10:15am. Students and staff will be there to cheer the runners on as they finish their last 1.1 mile. There will be more details about this event as we get closer to the date. You will start tracking your miles once you register.
Register for free through your PTA account starting Feb. 12th with an option to purchase a Mills Park Maniacs t-shirt ($12 per shirt; PTA members get a $4 discount). There are options for you to buy a shirt for your child and other family members. Registration includes each child’s beads. You can pay on-line through the PTA website. Registration is Feb. 12-16th. Once registration has closed, beads and necklaces will be sent home. The Maniac t-shirts will be delivered in April for the children to wear them at school on April 12th when they do their last mile.
This is going to be a fun, family event and we cannot wait to have all of our Panthers participate! Lace up those shoes, grab some water, and get ready to move!
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns!
Mrs. Cupick
Read MoreOur PTA
The 2024-2025 PTA Membership form is open. Start by logging into your PTA account. Complete the membership form, submit $20 and become an active PTA member. Click to learn more about what MPE PTA does.
The PTA can't function without its volunteers. Read about how to get started with volunteering through MPE PTA.
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 20
- Saturday, March 22
- Thursday, March 27
- Monday, March 31
- Tuesday, April 1
- Wednesday, April 2
- Thursday, April 3
- Friday, April 4
- Friday, April 18
- Saturday, April 26